Showing 17–19 of 19 results

  • Top 10 viewpoints and patches 1 Day (MEDELLIN)

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Tour the top viewpoints in Medellín and discover places to enjoy from above

    Visit the top 10 viewpoints and patches in Medellín and enjoy views that will leave you breathless! ! Also enjoy gastronomic recommendations from our local hosts!

  • Tradicion silletera 1 Day (MEDELLIN)

    Rated 0 out of 5

    When a silletero passes by, it is Antioquia that passes by. A tradition that is cultural heritage.

    A través de esta experiencia, tendrás la oportunidad de sumergirte en un mundo plasmado de sabiduría ancestral, cultura, colores y hermosos aromas.  Nuestros silleteros nos abren sus casas y con ellas el alma de la historia familiar representada en años de tradición que se ha ido pasando de generación en generación y que hoy llena de orgullo a los Antioqueños. Conecta con nuestra historia y disfruta de tres días de hermosos jardines y flores.

  • Viewpoints 3 Days (MEDELLIN)

    Rated 0 out of 5

    Tour Medellín’s top viewpoints and discover places to enjoy from the heights.

    Take a look at the top 10 viewpoints and patches in Medellín and enjoy views that will take your breath away! Also enjoy the gastronomic recommendations of our local hosts!