Modernism tour 1 Day (BARCELONA)

Modernist Tour Barcelona: Immerse yourself in the Beauty of Art and History.

Discover modernist Barcelona with a local expert. Be captivated by the majesty of modernist architecture as you explore the iconic buildings designed by visionaries such as Gaudi and Montaner. Our local expert will take you on a journey through time, revealing the secrets and beauty of every corner of the city.


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ℹ️  What is Liiffe?
Local tips & recommendations

🕑 Duration 3 days
Liiffe Experiences are detailed 3-day itineraries designed by locals

📲 Virtual guide
Discover authentic, personalized recommendations to immerse yourself at destination

🌐  Language
Available English, Spanish

🚫  Non refundable
For special cases, please don’t hesitate to contact our customer service for assistance


What’s Included
Not included


Hi! I’m Cristian, a proud barcelonian from Horta, and I’m dedicated to history, especially modernism, one of my great passions. At 28 years old, I combine my love for rock, art and travel to create unique experiences. Today, I’m excited to share with you my one-day plan to immerse ourselves in the splendor of modernist Barcelona.

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