A colorful adventure in Chueca 1 Day (MADRID)

Colorful moments in Chueca enjoying the LGTBIQ+ community of the capital city

Venture into Chueca, the vibrant LGBTQ+ heart of the city, and immerse yourself in a colorful and diverse experience. Discover unique stores with products that celebrate diversity in areas ranging from fashion to art. Indulge in cuisine that reflects the flavors and colors of the community. Immerse yourself in the nightlife of iconic venues and enjoy exciting shows. It’s an invitation to fully immerse yourself in LGBTQ+ culture, where love, diversity and authenticity are celebrated in a big way.


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ℹ️  What is Liiffe?
Local tips & recommendations

🕑 Duration 3 days
Liiffe Experiences are detailed 3-day itineraries designed by locals

📲 Virtual guide
Discover authentic, personalized recommendations to immerse yourself at destination

🌐  Language
Available English, Spanish

🚫  Non refundable
For special cases, please don’t hesitate to contact our customer service for assistance


What’s Included
Not included


Hi! I’m Diego, I work in a film production company, I love music and yoga. I belong to the LGTBI community so my recommendations are focused on Chueca and gay life. I am in love with Madrid and all it has to offer. These are my recommendations, I hope you enjoy them!

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