Cosmopolita&Urban 3 days (SEVILLA)

Discover the Cosmopolitan Side of Sevilla

Uncover hidden palaces and savor exquisite brunches while immersing yourself in the city’s cultural richness. You won’t miss out on trendy spots and the most elegant corners of the Híspalis capital, offering you a unique experience full of style and sophistication. Explore a Sevilla that will steal your heart!



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ℹ️  What is Liiffe?
Local tips & recommendations

🕑 Duration 3 days
Liiffe Experiences are detailed 3-day itineraries designed by locals

📲 Virtual guide
Discover authentic, personalized recommendations to immerse yourself at destination

🌐  Language
Available English, Spanish

🚫  Non refundable
For special cases, please don’t hesitate to contact our customer service for assistance


What’s Included
Not included


Hey guys! I’m Cayetano, a passionate Sevillian lawyer with a love for culture and gastronomy. I spend my free time exploring the city’s most elegant hideaways. I’m thrilled to share my discoveries with you.

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