Queer & Diverse Movida 1 Day (MEDELLÍN)

Discover Medellín’s vibrant LGBTQ+ scene

Explore the safe and exclusive areas of the City of Eternal Spring with our Queer proposal. Enjoy partying, cafes and LGBTIQ+ friendly hotels. Medellín, cradle of kindness, awaits you with joy. Live a unique inclusive experience!


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ℹ️  What is Liiffe?
Local tips & recommendations

🕑 Duration 3 days
Liiffe Experiences are detailed 3-day itineraries designed by locals

📲 Virtual guide
Discover authentic, personalized recommendations to immerse yourself at destination

🌐  Language
Available English, Spanish

🚫  Non refundable
For special cases, please don’t hesitate to contact our customer service for assistance


What’s Included
Not included


What else then? I’m Rone and I’m your host in Medellín. I am openly part of the LGBTIQ+ population, I am a traveler, pet-friendly, I lead ELLA Global Community Colombia that makes visible and empowers diverse women, I am passionate about and specialize in designing travel plans, experiences and dreams, for foreign people who come to visit our country, taking them through non-touristy places, which the locals of the community usually frequent.

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