Contemporary Art (MADRID)
A Memorable Contemporary Art Experience Not to Forget
Embark on an unforgettable journey into the world of contemporary art in the vibrant neighborhoods of Chueca, Las Letras, and Lavapiés. Immerse yourself in a 3 days with artistic wonder, where you’ll explore cozy galleries and encounter captivating exhibitions. Take leisurely strolls through charming streets and relax in picturesque parks, all while savoring the essence of these unique neighborhoods. Delight in the opportunity to unwind in cafés and bars that offer a distinctive and welcoming ambiance. This is your chance to create lasting memories and immerse yourself in the rich tapestry of Madrid’s contemporary art scene
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What is Liiffe?
Local tips & recommendations
Duration 3 days
Liiffe Experiences are detailed 3-day itineraries designed by locals
Virtual guide
Discover authentic, personalized recommendations to immerse yourself at destination
Available English, Spanish
Non refundable
For special cases, please don’t hesitate to contact our customer service for assistance
What’s Included
- 3-day itinerary with local tips
- Restaurant and food recommendations
- Secret spots and historical insights
- Guidance on getting around
- Map with points of interest from your experience
- You will go by yourself
- Events, tours and activities suggestions
Not included
- Crowded and touristic places experience
- Transport, tickets and reservations
- Local expert doesn’t come with you
Hello!! I’m Ana, a modern art lover and passionate about creativity. Madrid is my source of inspiration, where galleries are my second home. I also feel an intense passion for flamenco; southern Spain is my refuge to enjoy its music and dance that connect me to my cultural roots. I hope you like my 3-day modern art plan.